Coach Pitch and Tee Ball Rules
Fire Youth Sports Inc T-Ball/Coach Pitch Rules; Rev. Jan 6, 2022
- The purpose of this program is to teach the game of baseball in a safe, relaxed manner, while having fun and learning fair play and sportsmanship. Each coach will set an example in keeping with the stated purpose of the program. This program is instructional, so there will be no League Standings. Score is not kept. Scorebooks are only used to keep track of the lineup, make sure everyone gets 2 innings in the field, and record individual progress.
- Bases will be at 60ft. for T-Ball and Coach Pitch, and both will use a Safety Ball such as a MacGregor type 56.
- CP pitching distance will be 40ft. A mechanical pitching machine may be used. The opposing team does not have to use the machine, but may if they choose to do so. If the other team chooses not to use the machine, the coach may pitch from in front of the machine.
- There is no catcher in TB. The catcher in CP must wear a catcher’s helmet with throat protector, chest protector, and shin guards. All players must wear a helmet when batting or running the bases or on the bases. Players are responsible for furnishing and wearing the helmet, and a protective cup. Gym shoes are recommended, but rubber/plastic spikes are permitted. Metal spikes are not permitted.
- In TB/CP a half inning is complete when all players on a team have batted. When both teams have batted three times the game is complete. You can play longer, but cannot exceed the 1 hour 45 minute time limit.
- In TB and CP there is a limit of 10 defensive players on the field. TB may use 5 outfielders, and CP 4 outfielders. With the coach pitching or using a machine, the defensive team still positions a player on the pitcher’s mound. The other 9 players should be placed in normal baseball defensive positions, and taught to make normal plays such as force outs.
- The umpires will be the offensive coaches at 1st, 3rd, and home. Runners and batters who are clearly out should not be allowed to remain on base. This will reinforce what you teach in practice, and give defensive players the chance to make a play. The runners should always be called safe on “close” plays.
- With the coach pitching or using a pitching machine or hitting off a Tee, the batter gets 6 swings. Three strikes is not an out. Foul balls do not count as a swing. The batter does not have to swing at every pitch, but there are no walks. If after 6 swings the batter has not hit a fair ball, the batter is out.
- In TB and CP, an arc 10 ft from Homeplate will be marked from foul line to foul line. The ball must travel past this arc to be a fair ball. (usually just a line in the dirt made with a bat).
- The ball must be hit for the runner(s) to advance, and the runner can not advance on an overthrow. We are not playing “station to station baseball” but infield hits should not be home runs. The hitter can get a double on a well hit ball to the outfield. A triple or a homer should be a well hit ball past the outfielders. The runner should only advance the number of bases the hitter does. Example: runner on first, batter hits double, runner goes to third. The intent is create realistic baseball situations, create the opportunity for force outs, reward hitters for good hits, but not turn the game into a track meet. We count on the coaches to follow the spirit of this rule.
- Players tend to run into each other at this age. Stress to the players that the runner has the right to the basepath, unless the defender has the ball or is attempting to field the ball. If the defender is attempting to field the ball, the runner can not interfere with that.
- The defense is allowed 3 coaches on the field.
- Coaches are required to have a first aid kit at games and practices.
- In the event of lightning, the field must be cleared immediately, and the players must take shelter in the dugout, concession area, or cars. Play can not resume until lightning is not seen for 15 minutes.